So considering Catch-22 was a comedy, albeit a dark one, I thought maybe this week I'd pick something on the other end of the spectrum. A few years ago, my mom gave me Beautiful Boy, a memoir written by a father about his son's addiction to crystal meth. I put it on the shelf. You see, when one is in college, experimenting with all manner of friends, substances and ...study techniques, naturally, a book about a 20-something's descent into addiction just doesn't fit the bill. I didn't want to read a particularly grueling chapter about young Nic's first transition from marijuana to cocaine and then try to go out partying; I didn't want to take a shot of tequila and spend the subsequent four hours crying in the bathroom of a bar and questioning all of my life decisions. The book had to wait. Until this week.
Now, I'm only 25, so there's still a distinct possibility I could read this and find myself crying on the floor of a bathroom this weekend. Worse, this Sunday is Halloween, which means I'd be crying on the floor of a bar bathroom while dressed as Buzz Lightyear. Hilarious? Yes; but after losing my Blackberry two Halloweens ago and riding the subway back and forth for five hours at 4 a.m. dressed as Uncle Sam ...well I think I'd like to keep that on record as my epitome of All Hallows' Eve shame. Just to be safe though, no tequila.
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